Friday, September 26, 2008

Muxtape, Neutered

Fucking shit they did it, they killed muxtape (kind of). The bastards.

Mad props to Justin for braving the storm as best he could. But it just goes to show that bureaucracy and avarice can muck(s-tape) shit up pretty quick. It was cool while it lasted yo':

"Muxtape is relaunching as a service exclusively for bands, offering an extremely powerful platform with unheard-of simplicity for artists to thrive on the internet. Musicians in 2008 without access to a full time web developer have few options when it comes to establishing themselves online, but their needs often revolve around a common set of problems. The new Muxtape will allow bands to upload their own music and offer an embeddable player that works anywhere on the web, in addition to the original muxtape format. Bands will be able to assemble an attractive profile with simple modules that enable optional functionality such as a calendar, photos, comments, downloads and sales, or anything else they need. The system has been built from the ground up to be extended infinitely and is wrapped in a template system that will be open to CSS designers. There will be more details soon. The beta is still private at the moment, but that will change in the coming weeks.

I realize this is a somewhat radical shift in functionality, but Muxtape’s core goals haven’t changed. I still want to challenge the way we experience music online, and I still want to work to enable what I think is the most interesting aspect of interconnected music: discovering new stuff."

Granted to be in the spirit of things, my band will certainly be among the first to join muxtape. Because we love you, mux and all that you stand for. Even if you stand for something totally different.

Fight the Power, brotha.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Top 10 Things You'll Miss in College

Dear former self,

Had I told you several months ago (or now? rather) that you would be going to Harvard you would have shrugged and asked me what the hell happened with Brown/RISD. But since this was more or less inevitable, give-or-take the possible changes of heart that might have occurred in the admissions office, here are a few things you really ought to know about Harvard... or college in general.

The 10 things you'll miss the most... not at all in order:

1. Not having to worry about being lawn ornaments on a landmark
You'll be living in Holworthy, which though rad (Conan O'Brien totally lived on the first floor in 1981, yo) it happens to be on the path of Harvard Unofficial Tours. So keep dem blinds shut, and try to hide your unmentionables in the bottom of your hamper so when the Chinese tourists come a'clickin' your skanky panties don't end up in their photo album.
2. Bathroom time as a leisure necessity
Pooping in solitude is largely a luxury. Next time get a suite with lockable bathroom doors. On a related note, you'd be able to sing in the shower too.
3. Blaring your most indulgent guilty pleasures at full volume
While your suitemates may be playing Lil' Wayne and Carrie Underwood on the daily, knowing the music snob that you are, you're only going to be listening to the digestible good stuff out loud (Andrew Bird, The American Analog Set etc.) at least until your roomies know you better. Save the Kpop and the Incubus for winter break.
4. The little Mom N' Pop Chinese Restaurant You Loved So Much
Granted, Annenberg Hall ain't half badsies and its Hogwarts regalness is something to appreciate... they just don't make orange chicken or fried umplings like good ol' Sichuan Wok.
5. Free Museums in DC ... Scratch that, DC in general
Cambrige is righteous and all, but WMATA is so fresh and so clean-clean in comparison.
6. Local Music Scene Back Home
This is a "I MISS MY BANDMATES" post in disguise.
7. Mommy
Because she loves me more than Thomas Dingman, Dean of Freshman, or Drew Faust.
8. That Stuffed Animal You Didn't Bring to School Because You Thought Someone Would Laugh
youre the only one who didn't bring one, hon.
9. Security
Harvard University Police send you a courteous little paranoia-inducing alert everytime someone in Cambridge gets mugged. Isn't that just so...pleasant?
10. Being Able to Sleep on the Floor
Sometimes I think this hardwood hasn't been cleaned since Howard Hughes lived here. Remember to bring a swiffer, darlin'.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

College, Babeh

Sorry for the egregious lack of posts lately, dearest. Harvard has been keeping me a busy, busy, gal. I've been scheming to deface good ol' John Harvard Miyavi-style but we'll see how it goes.

No outfit posts unfortunately, and I really wish I had the good ol' Canon E40 because there are some nice Sarto-style photos I could be taking. Overall, a swank campus despite the stuffy rep.

Went to a decidely hipster-bicycle-enthusiast-attractin'-ironically plaid-and-vegan-scene zine fair and realized perhaps DC is much cooler than I initially gave it credit (compared to Boston that is). Snagged a nice free music zine, attempted to chat up a kid who looked like my beloved Chris Chu, and got a nice little patch with a silkscreened 1968 French Student Revolution poster on it. We sit playing guitar on the Yard, writing poetry and sketching passersby. Oh college, you're exactly as they said you would be...