Thursday, April 30, 2009

Afrikan Motherland and the Land of the Rising Sun

Since I seem to be on a roll with the scroll inspiration:

check out Wafrica if you haven't!
Wa- as in the people of Wa (the ancient Japanese)
Africa - as in, you know, that big beautiful continent

As much as I hate the generalization of blending and entire continent of styles with a single country, this can't possibly tie in better with my afropunk-band-goes-Meiji-period scroll.

I Admit, I'm an Idolater: St. Vincent's Actor

a while back at the MFA, on college night

So, St. Vincent has a new album (Actor). Had to spread the love. Bought it on pre-order because of the strength of Annie Clark's debut and how sweet and genuine her violinist, Dan Hart is (once upon a time we played a show with his other band, and they blew us away). Got it in the mail today with a complimentary 7" single. Amazing.

There's an epicness to many of these tracks as the progressions follow this sort of iambic rhythmic heartbeat– or maybe its just my own quickening pulse. Clark is as bone-chilling as always. I wonder if she gets tired of being referred to as ethereal, haunting, spooky, etc. but its hard to use any other adjectives when she's just always pushing musical life beyond the pale. When the first listen is this strong I know my speakers are getting months of electric exercise.

Reminds me of: the Pocahontas soundtrack, synchronized swimming, the sound of zippers, buddhist chanting, and all the best of 4AD.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Will not escape

in-studio vanity

It's been over a month since my last post... for shame.

whats been up? I'm making a scroll... it's currently 15 feet long (hopefully it will reach ≈ 4oft) featuring a time-traveling afropunk band in Meiji era Japan. Just thought I'd document some inspiration photos:

prostitutes at yoshiwara

badass movie still...

sick topknot and tats

and something i've been obsessed with lately:

These ridiculously badass yukata from Tsukikageya.
Good god. All I want for Christmas is a suitably pouty expression and the white leopard print one. Fresh. To. Death.