For shame, for shame that Wonder Woman gets all the attention, especially in that fugly outfit. Dinah Drake (or Lance depending on her era) has the most badass hair-rocker evolution, and her superpower? The rebel yell! Or more officially (and lamely), the Canary Cry, with which she rips the sh*t out of villains with a sonic assault. Could she be any more Debbie Harry?

The sort of blechhhh Small-ville version
looks too Sharon Stone/Soccer Mom...
not enough Blonde Bombshell Badass.

And the Barbie version...
I want this doll so badly I'm practically regressing. It would make a good H-Ween costume if people wouldn't just think I was dressed as a hooker. An ass-kicking, crime fighting, Ramones-loving hooker. But a hooker nonetheless.