Sunday, May 3, 2009

Black Canary as Barbie Badass

Growing up, my bros were into comics. But while they were more Samurai, Batman, Silver Surfer, Spawn, and The Maxx... you know namby pamby boy stuff, I was more moved by Black Canary.

For shame, for shame that Wonder Woman gets all the attention, especially in that fugly outfit. Dinah Drake (or Lance depending on her era) has the most badass hair-rocker evolution, and her superpower? The rebel yell! Or more officially (and lamely), the Canary Cry, with which she rips the sh*t out of villains with a sonic assault. Could she be any more Debbie Harry?

The old school

the new school

The Jessica Rabbit JLU Cartoon Version

The sort of blechhhh Small-ville version
looks too Sharon Stone/Soccer Mom...
not enough Blonde Bombshell Badass.

And the Barbie version...
I want this doll so badly I'm practically regressing. It would make a good H-Ween costume if people wouldn't just think I was dressed as a hooker. An ass-kicking, crime fighting, Ramones-loving hooker. But a hooker nonetheless.
