Monday, November 10, 2008

That's it. No More Online Shopping.

new purchases highlight

So, I began this whole shopping binge thinking I just really, really needed to invest in some basics because my wardrobe is almost nothing but statement pieces.

The Prelapsarian list:
1. White Scarf
2. Simple Cardigan
3. Cute Shoes
4. Winter Coat

Instead, I reconned an old trench, and bought the following:

1. Fringed White Scarf
2. Faux leather leggings
3. Cardigan
4. Two basic tees, in black and white
5. Fringe-y boots
6. Grey Tights
7. Fleece Lined Lace Gloves
8. Black above-the-knee skirt
9. Black and Silver Miniskirt

Despite my deviance, all came out to less than 100 bucks, so w00t w00t b****s.
Maybe later I'll make a post about the hypocrisy of hipster culture and the consumerism that has taken hold of my generation and the vacuity of image and perception that now plagues young females in society.

Just kidding (maybe).