Friday, May 29, 2009

Screw Vintage.

Multi-scale digital houndstooth pattern, brassy illustration-style baroque/art nouveau flourishes.

Seriously, wtf? These leggings are FTW. They're "vintage" Express tricot, but I prefer calling it as it really is... "Mom's seriously fug' stuff from the 90s. Had to wrestle them from my brother who wanted to try 'em on too when he discovered them, can't blame him. American Apparel's tricot leggings can suck it, these are so crazy awesome my head is exploding.

Best part about them being old is that the cut isn't modern skin-tight. Meaning? No camel toe.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

In response to my last post

Top Earning Models of "the world"???


According to Forbes (and graciously gisted by Newser), these are the The World's Top-Earning Models of The World:

  1. Gisele Bundchen ($25 million, down $10 million from the previous year)
  2. Heidi Klum ($16 million)
  3. Kate Moss ($8.5 million)

  1. Adriana Lima ($8 million)
  2. Doutzen Kroes ($6 million)
  3. Allesandra Ambrosio ($6 million)
  4. Natalie Vodionova ($5.5 million)
  5. Daria Webowy ($4.5 million)
  6. Miranda Kerr ($3 million)
  7. Carolyn Murphy ($3 million)
No matter how unsuprised I am by this list, I just hate the fact that these are the top earning models of "the world". Do I see the world here? No. And what percentage of the world do white or caucasian people actually make up? Are any of these models women of color? No.

Well, at least not if you count a spray tan. I'm not encouraged. And don't give me anything about Gisele and Adriana Lima being Brazilian. "Brazil is one of the most ethnically diverse places on the planet"... so why did Sao Paolo fashion week have to enforce (a very measly 10%) quota for black, African descendent, or indigenous models?

If these are the most recognizable sought after faces world-wide, then what message does that send to me or my future kids, or my family and my friends? What racial standards (beyond the twiggy, long legged etc.) has mass culture left unbroken for beauty? I'm sure these women are hard-working but it hurts to think of all the models of color who time and again are rejected from the high profile catwalks and spreads. And even when they are included, Non-caucasian models are often marginalized as exotic accents or shucked in to fill quotas.

And seriously, If the world of fashion prides itself on intelligently selected control of what's in and whats out then it should stop ignorantly rejecting the entire market of non-white consumers. Just sayin'.

Friday, May 22, 2009

C'mon now!

I have 11 throw pillows... why?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sincerely Effing Awesome

What I wouldn't give for this woman's presence.

Monday, May 4, 2009

[Only] at Harvard...

A pile of books.... about books.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Black Canary as Barbie Badass

Growing up, my bros were into comics. But while they were more Samurai, Batman, Silver Surfer, Spawn, and The Maxx... you know namby pamby boy stuff, I was more moved by Black Canary.

For shame, for shame that Wonder Woman gets all the attention, especially in that fugly outfit. Dinah Drake (or Lance depending on her era) has the most badass hair-rocker evolution, and her superpower? The rebel yell! Or more officially (and lamely), the Canary Cry, with which she rips the sh*t out of villains with a sonic assault. Could she be any more Debbie Harry?

The old school

the new school

The Jessica Rabbit JLU Cartoon Version

The sort of blechhhh Small-ville version
looks too Sharon Stone/Soccer Mom...
not enough Blonde Bombshell Badass.

And the Barbie version...
I want this doll so badly I'm practically regressing. It would make a good H-Ween costume if people wouldn't just think I was dressed as a hooker. An ass-kicking, crime fighting, Ramones-loving hooker. But a hooker nonetheless.
