Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sexy vs Slutty and the Real Reason We Can't Win

Freakum Dress - Beyoncé

It's not a girl's fault that the mere size of her tatas dictates how low-cut she can wear something and what she gets away with...unless you measure fault in genetic predispositions and number of potato-chips consumed in a lifetime. While I'm a firm believer in booty-shorts and pretty lingerie (not necessarily alone as an outfit), there are things which my puritanical heart can't seem to sail a Mayflower on.

(That metaphor sounded nice but I do know that Puritans and Pilgrims are completely different sets of people)

Boobs are tough, symbolically that is. While I and most other women have to deal with them unquestioningly, the problems they present are manifold. Small-chested women face the stigma of being seen as boyish, unfeminine... and the chestier of us err on the edge of obscenity. My own Asian mother (who loved to take us to family dinners at Hooters) yodeled at me since I filled out at 14, saying things like "Your breasts are always showing!" and "Why can't you be more modest?" Even if you drape a sheet over an elephant... a five year-old would able to make the shape out anyway. There's just no hiding.

And so I get to my point- or turning point: sluttiness is for the extremes of society. Its attainable only by those at the fringes, either very rich or very poor. Arguably, the middle class...status quo as it is... just does not engage in this as heavily. But... as a poor college student I may attest to the bosom of the issue. An excess of money and an extreme lack of it can afford people the luxury of dressing however the f*ck they feel. Is this magical or tragical, who can say?

Exhibit A:
Ivanka Trump,
daughter of Donald, whose net worth is about 3 billion.

Exhibit B:
Random Model,
g r e a t g l a m . com
Lessons Learned
  • Having millions at your disposal and a real income = sexy
  • Having $20.80 to spend on a dress with no label but a stupid name = slutty

And for those who don't find this dress objectionable or even curious, I leave you with a testimonial from the site in question:

My hat is off to you, Mary T. May you forever be young and wear your shirts as low as your boobs will hang.