About Me
Monday, December 29, 2008
Something in the Air...
After praising one advertising campaign, lets take a break to laugh at a couple. Look, I know it's hard to communicate exactly what a fragrance smells like. It's like describing color with words, it's tough. But it's shouldn't be hard to communicate "Buy this, it smells good!" and soooo many fail to do something as simple as that.
I was just flipping through InStyle and Vogue and I was appalled at the poo-smear that celebrities are letting their campaign managers smudge all over billboards and print. With a few exceptions (Ms. Erykah Badu representing Tom Ford's White Patchouli, and perhaps Gwen Stefani for LAMB) lets look at how badly they botch these:
Paris Hilton's Fairy Dust
Note the Disney font, delightful coke-whoreness of her visibly jutting ribcage. Is that a fairy outfit or the leftover ribbon and bits of a Christmas present?
Sean John - Unforgivable
Talk about a terrible name for a fragrance. It suggests that you may need to apologize for wearing his scent. And the ad itself... "Hey guys I have an idea! Lets photograph Diddy after murdering a particularly unsatisfactory Asian lay." Sick stuff. (Also note how its still seems risque to suggest interracial "passion" between a black man and a white woman- both women appear quite safely ethnic)
Mariah Carey - M
Comparatively, this one isn't as bad as some others, but on its own... her face is warped, its so poorly photoshopped (check out the weird blue rays near her hands) and about as awkward as it gets. Not sexy, not enticing, just freakish.
Christina Aguilera - Inspire
Her last fragrance ad was actually beautifully done. I wonder who decided to hire the the designer this time around... awful skin color, weird left hand... just odd and gaudy overall.
Please! I don't know who's buying these products but please make these celebrities stop their god-awful campaigns from saturating our already overly-commercial society with more of this defecatory visual nonsense.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Big Reason Why I Fucking Love the Holidays
Yes, that WASP-y corporate business-casual conglomerate has rung in the season with some real love on their part. And by love I mean interracial love, and by interracial love I mean excellent winter ad campaign:
Finally, an interracial ad campaign that is so understated that the interraciality should pass unnoticed (except by the hyper-conscious, aka moi). It's beautiful, elegant, candid even. And the best part is that we're presented with a black woman who is not packaged with token exoticism or any visual stereotypes. She simply is. There in all her prettiness just as she should be. All other designers/campaigns take heed. Yes, we can.
Now, if only we could make the inverted relationship (white woman, black man) come across a little better than the "LeBron Kong" of April's Vogue cover.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving: Forget the Food, its about the Conversation
There is nothing I love more than my hip little family, arguing about who introduced who to what band first.
Do you like ___bandname___?
Dude, don't even start me on that I'm the one who showed this bastard their music.
What?! No way, I swear to God I knew about them before you.
Don't even act like that... this is just like the time when I told you about __another band__ and you "started" liking them.
Whatever, Douchebag...
Bands argued about over turkey:
White Rabbits verdict: good, "but I knew about them first!"
Black Kids verdict: general agreement that the name is very "wtf"
Devendra Banhart verdict: wish he was still with Natalie
The Sounds verdict: been there, done that. 8th grade.
Santogold verdict: played out
Kings of Leon verdict: awesome
St. Vincent verdict: continually awesome
Kanye West verdict: undecided about new album
Q-Tip verdict: new album better than Kanye's
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Love is All Around Me
I love keeping lists. I especially treasure keeping a list of things that make me happy, or that I love and appreciate in great and small ways. I update this list regularly in a little marble composition notebook which I keep by my bed.
Occasionally I meditate by entering each item of the list into a document, but now, here it is for the world to see...
The list of things that make me happy:
Monday, November 10, 2008
That's it. No More Online Shopping.
The Prelapsarian list:
1. White Scarf
2. Simple Cardigan
3. Cute Shoes
4. Winter Coat
Instead, I reconned an old trench, and bought the following:
1. Fringed White Scarf
2. Faux leather leggings
3. Cardigan
4. Two basic tees, in black and white
5. Fringe-y boots
6. Grey Tights
7. Fleece Lined Lace Gloves
8. Black above-the-knee skirt
9. Black and Silver Miniskirt
Despite my deviance, all came out to less than 100 bucks, so w00t w00t b****s.
Maybe later I'll make a post about the hypocrisy of hipster culture and the consumerism that has taken hold of my generation and the vacuity of image and perception that now plagues young females in society.
Just kidding (maybe).
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Magic of Numbers (44)
Apart from the title being a cheeky campus joke, there is a certain magic to numbers isn't there?
And before you write me off as riding the crazy train, I have to say that the number 44 has me a little freaked out these days.
For starters,
Barack Obama is our 44th president,
Michelle Obama is 44 years of age currently.
Cute little coincidence? The number is a palindrome (one of my favorite things on earth, thanks Demetri Martin!) to boot. Numerologists know the number 44, a "Master Number" has this significance:
44 = 4 + 4 = 8
that base number 8 indicates in China, sudden fortune or prosperity.
44 represents a higher octave of 8
8 represents material accomplishment -- money, material freedom, business, high finance, control, power, success, achievement, recognition, profit, executive ability, management, authority, fairness, and responsibility.
Despite the fact that I know this to be stupid new-age-y bullshit, I can't help but get the heebiejeebies. Numerology, at the very least, points my lovely new Prez in the right direction.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Fakes, Leather, S&M, and all things Salacious
There is an undeniably S & M quality to black lame, latex, bodytight, whatevers.
Just bought a cheap pair of faux leather leggings for when I'm feeling a little bit Vivienne Westwood (or Pat Benatar). I wouldn't dare wear them alone though. That's for the anorexic and glamorous. I really honestly can't wait, I have come down with a severe case of shipping anxiety.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Breast Cancer Awareness, for the Cool Kids
And I'm not talking about the dearth of female skaters to begin with, but the actual things themselves, breasts. Because even the most skatecore among us would agree, we want breasts here to stay. Boobies aren't some passing fad, they're an institution, and we have to support them. In more ways than one, ya hear?
OK, so you don't know what I'm talking about??? Check this jonx out from B4BC, its perhaps the most well known skate labels producing the cheekiest (or rather, the chestiest) cancer awareness advertisements EVER.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Why Don't Boys Dress Better?
That's it, it really breaks my sweet Southern heart to see cute boys, really genuinely cute boys, who dress worse than a McShaker Salad.
And I'm tired of their excuses:
1) "I'm too lazy."
2) "I'm not gay."
3) "I like the way I look."
I'm not saying I don't have a bias. My brothers are kiiiinda metro and I'm admittedly quite used to being asked if "this belt goes with these shoes" etc. etc. But seriously, it's not hard. Ask a lady friend, she'll tell you.
I'm done with excuses. Guys can keep some of their ratty-ass favorites and just pair them with simple things that take a look over the top.
Chuck Taylors, Vans Slip Ons, Coordinated layers, Manly Scarves, Dark jeans
American Apparel
Super simple well-fitting tees, layered tops, logoless slim hoodie, soft cardigan
Urban Outfitters
Clean structured jacket, cotton blazer, v-neck tee, cut off jeans (instead of cargo shorts)
And yeah, they don't have to have the "gay" little scarf but you can do well with good fit and nice colors. The"I'm not gay" excuse is just a cop out anyhow, because dressing well shouldn't have anything to do with the number of guys you'd like to do up the bumbum.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The French don't celebrate Halloween...but
Now, I'm a firm believer that Halloween costumes should be scary or just you know... awesome.
Which is why I still think last year's mummy was obviously more successful than store-bought slutty mummy (shown below) because it met both criteria.
But there comes a time in every girl's life where, she has to give up her standards and values in order to better ride the harsh, crashing tides of life and reality. I may just be saying that because I'm in college, and I'm jaded, and losing touch with my sweet and innocent former self, but also because...
I mean, come on.
Now all I need is someone to dress up as a come-hither Robespierre and I'll be set.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Muxtape, Neutered
Fucking shit they did it, they killed muxtape (kind of). The bastards.
Mad props to Justin for braving the storm as best he could. But it just goes to show that bureaucracy and avarice can muck(s-tape) shit up pretty quick. It was cool while it lasted yo':
"Muxtape is relaunching as a service exclusively for bands, offering an extremely powerful platform with unheard-of simplicity for artists to thrive on the internet. Musicians in 2008 without access to a full time web developer have few options when it comes to establishing themselves online, but their needs often revolve around a common set of problems. The new Muxtape will allow bands to upload their own music and offer an embeddable player that works anywhere on the web, in addition to the original muxtape format. Bands will be able to assemble an attractive profile with simple modules that enable optional functionality such as a calendar, photos, comments, downloads and sales, or anything else they need. The system has been built from the ground up to be extended infinitely and is wrapped in a template system that will be open to CSS designers. There will be more details soon. The beta is still private at the moment, but that will change in the coming weeks.
I realize this is a somewhat radical shift in functionality, but Muxtape’s core goals haven’t changed. I still want to challenge the way we experience music online, and I still want to work to enable what I think is the most interesting aspect of interconnected music: discovering new stuff."
Granted to be in the spirit of things, my band will certainly be among the first to join muxtape. Because we love you, mux and all that you stand for. Even if you stand for something totally different.Fight the Power, brotha.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Top 10 Things You'll Miss in College
Dear former self,
Had I told you several months ago (or now? rather) that you would be going to Harvard you would have shrugged and asked me what the hell happened with Brown/RISD. But since this was more or less inevitable, give-or-take the possible changes of heart that might have occurred in the admissions office, here are a few things you really ought to know about Harvard... or college in general.
The 10 things you'll miss the most... not at all in order:
1. Not having to worry about being lawn ornaments on a landmark
You'll be living in Holworthy, which though rad (Conan O'Brien totally lived on the first floor in 1981, yo) it happens to be on the path of Harvard Unofficial Tours. So keep dem blinds shut, and try to hide your unmentionables in the bottom of your hamper so when the Chinese tourists come a'clickin' your skanky panties don't end up in their photo album.
2. Bathroom time as a leisure necessity
Pooping in solitude is largely a luxury. Next time get a suite with lockable bathroom doors. On a related note, you'd be able to sing in the shower too.
3. Blaring your most indulgent guilty pleasures at full volume
While your suitemates may be playing Lil' Wayne and Carrie Underwood on the daily, knowing the music snob that you are, you're only going to be listening to the digestible good stuff out loud (Andrew Bird, The American Analog Set etc.) at least until your roomies know you better. Save the Kpop and the Incubus for winter break.
4. The little Mom N' Pop Chinese Restaurant You Loved So Much
Granted, Annenberg Hall ain't half badsies and its Hogwarts regalness is something to appreciate... they just don't make orange chicken or fried umplings like good ol' Sichuan Wok.
5. Free Museums in DC ... Scratch that, DC in general
Cambrige is righteous and all, but WMATA is so fresh and so clean-clean in comparison.
6. Local Music Scene Back Home
This is a "I MISS MY BANDMATES" post in disguise.
7. Mommy
Because she loves me more than Thomas Dingman, Dean of Freshman, or Drew Faust.
8. That Stuffed Animal You Didn't Bring to School Because You Thought Someone Would Laugh
youre the only one who didn't bring one, hon.
9. Security
Harvard University Police send you a courteous little paranoia-inducing alert everytime someone in Cambridge gets mugged. Isn't that just so...pleasant?
10. Being Able to Sleep on the Floor
Sometimes I think this hardwood hasn't been cleaned since Howard Hughes lived here. Remember to bring a swiffer, darlin'.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
College, Babeh
Sorry for the egregious lack of posts lately, dearest. Harvard has been keeping me a busy, busy, gal. I've been scheming to deface good ol' John Harvard Miyavi-style but we'll see how it goes.
No outfit posts unfortunately, and I really wish I had the good ol' Canon E40 because there are some nice Sarto-style photos I could be taking. Overall, a swank campus despite the stuffy rep.
Went to a decidely hipster-bicycle-enthusiast-attractin'-ironically plaid-and-vegan-scene zine fair and realized perhaps DC is much cooler than I initially gave it credit (compared to Boston that is). Snagged a nice free music zine, attempted to chat up a kid who looked like my beloved Chris Chu, and got a nice little patch with a silkscreened 1968 French Student Revolution poster on it. We sit playing guitar on the Yard, writing poetry and sketching passersby. Oh college, you're exactly as they said you would be...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Slightly Risque Pie Porn
There's this beautiful fig tree in our backyard that to some is the quintessence of mother nature's giving, fruitful womb. It shades our stone porch and gently spreads its branches to share itself with our grateful neighbors. Some days I just sit there and think, "Those leaves are kind of small... poor Adam, he may have been God's first crack at it but fig leaves? Really?"
I'm just kidding, I love that goddamn tree. So much so that for the past two years I've been making these pies when I can.
Fresh Fig Pie Recipe:
Dough: 2 to 2 1/2 cups flour, 1tsp sugar, 1tsp salt, 1 stick cold butter cut into teeny cubes, 5-6 tbs water. mix ingredients, add water as needed (but not too much), when dough starts to stick if you pinch it knead and roll it in a bowl, plop it onto a floured surface and separate into two balls - one for crust and one for lattice topping. (you may need more dough, in my family we dont approve of wimpy thin crusts).
Filling: fill a large size bowl about as big in diameter as your pie tin, with 4-5 cups peeled figs cut in half, the juice of half a lime or lemon, 7 tbsp sugar or splenda, 1 tbsp cornstarch, some cinnamon as you like, little bit of nutmeg to taste, toss gently with your hands (esp. if your figs are reaalllly ripe) and fill dough covered pie tin. use about a 1/5 or 1/4 stick butter to dot the top of the filling then cover with lattice and seal.
bake 30 to 40 minutes 'til lovely and bubbling.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hello Inspirator
Leslie Holt, Leslie Holt.... I swear that I know that name from somewhere. In any case she's a really wonderful artist that I've just come across. As an artist myself I always choose a brightly colored narrative perspective and something in her work feels just as narrative but without being as literal. Art is nothing without a story to tell and Leslie's tiny paintings (often 6" x 6") really push something out of her as well as out of these standard (and sometimes stuffy) masterpieces. Thats really something. I am never troubled by whether or not something in art is new or innovative, only whether the idea itself is worth the expression.
It feels like an easy game of Where's Waldo, yes, but theres something to be said about the (oh God I can't believe I'm going to use this word) juxtaposition of the classic and definitely art pieces and the questionable artistic merit of the Sanrio product. But then you just shove those feelings aside and enjoy the way Hello Kitty brightens up everything... even La Guernica.
Her website.
"Leslie Holt’s recent work includes several series of paintings that weave inter-related experiences-- including her experiences growing up with a mentally ill family member, pop culture and famous works of art. Leslie’s work often displays an unsettling intersection of childhood and the adult world. Leslie’s work has been exhibited throughout the United States and has been featured at the Aqua Miami Art Fair and Scope Hamptons."
I wouldnt mind seeing this series with landry or keroppi too.